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The GISD TeleGRAHAM: March 13, 2025

Posted Date: 3/13/25 (9:36 PM)

the gisd telegraham
Message from the Superintendent
dr. mary johnston, superintendent
Graham ISD Community,

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes renewed energy and excitement in our schools. Graham ISD has many special events, tryouts and student competitions coming up in the next few weeks. I hope you will join me in celebrating the accomplishments of all our students.

Our goals with the monthly TeleGRAHAM are to communicate regularly, highlight the successes of our students/staff and encourage more community involvement. The spirit of Graham could not have been more evident than it was during the recent Special Olympics Regional Basketball Tournament. Thank you to everyone who came out to volunteer and cheer on our students. It was truly a heart-warming day. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Graham ISD. Together we can create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students to learn and thrive. I’d like to wish all of you a happy, safe and restful Spring Break. Hopefully this time off with family and friends will give you just the boost you need to come back March 24 and finish the spring semester out strong!

Dr. Mary Johnston
School Board Meeting Highlights
board members posted in front of Graham ISD logo
Trustees Revise 2025-2026 Calendar, Hear Teacher Incentive Allotment Update
The Graham ISD School Board met Wednesday for their regular monthly meeting. Trustees heard an update from the Academics Department on the Graham ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). They also approved the Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials for the 2025-2026 school year.

Trustees made an adjustment to the adopted 2025-2026 School Calendar. The Administration recommended that spring break (2026) be changed to align with the North Central Texas College spring break which is especially important for students involved in dual credit courses. The new calendar has been posted to the district website and now reflects a March 9-13, 2026 spring break.

In other business, the Board:
  • Received a Budget Planning Calendar 2025-2026 Update
  • Recognized students and staff as noted below.

The School Board next meets on Wednesday, April 9.
Download 2025-26 Calendar
Group of students Junior High District Academic UIL Winners at the board meeting with their awards
Group of students Junior High District Academic UIL Winners at the board meeting with their awards
Student Recognition
During the March School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Mary Johnston and the Trustees recognized students for the following awards. A complete list of the students winners can be found on our website.

  • Red River Science Fair Participants
  • Junior High District Academic UIL Winners
  • Band Members Recognition
  • Heart of the Book Short Story and Art Competition Winners
  • Bella Blues Contest Awards
Student Recognition
Bus driver of the year, Donald Denman posing with an award and the SISD school board.
Bus Driver of the Year
Congratulations to the PCAT Bus Driver of the Year, Donald Denman. He was recognized at Wednesday’s School Board meeting.
Four Candidates Vying For Three Places on GISD School Board
Graham ISD had four candidates apply for three places on the May 3 Trustee Election Ballot. Voters will determine their choices for Trustee in Places 3, 4 and 5. Elected individuals will serve three-year terms.

Place 3 - Two Candidates
  • Ellen Morris
  • Lauren Mahaney
Place 4 - Unopposed
  • Chris Blanton
Place 5 - Unopposed 
  • Jason D. Smith
The last day to register to vote in the May election is Thursday, April 3. To check your voter registration status or to register to vote, visit the Voter Registration Website

Early voting will take place April 22 through 29. Election day voting will be on Saturday, May 3. Times and voting locations will be shared in upcoming editions of the TeleGRAHAM.
Good News in GISD
Students holding their artwork and standing in front of a school bus.
VASE Competition Nets Amazing Results Including State Qualifiers
The regional Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) contest was held recently in Wichita Falls at Midwestern University. Graham ISD had nine students earn 10 medals at the event, which means their piece(s) earned the highest possible rating of 4 from a combined score of their artwork and interview. These students are Jamie Burleson, Emma Clark, Grecia Flores, Sophia Purdy, Alannah Sullivan, Jacie Trice, Grace Rios-Perkins (earned two medals), Tristen Roberts, and Rylee Welsh. Freshman Grecia Flores and Senior Grace Rios-Perkins advanced to State in their divisions! The competition was fierce this year, and their artwork was selected as the top 10% of their divisions. The state contest will take place in San Marcos at the end of April.
Three special opympic award recipients with their medals around their necks
Special Olympics Athletes Shine
Thank you to everyone who attended the Special Olympics Regional Basketball Tournament last weekend! We are so incredibly proud of all of our student athletes and their success. A huge shoutout goes to our volunteers who made the event run smoothly.
Five boys golfers in matching polos standing on the golf course.
Graham on the Greens
Congratulations to the Graham High School Boys Golf Team. They shot a 333 and earned 3rd place as a team at Live Oak Golf Club in Abilene last week. Jagger Nees won the tournament with a 71.
Graham Junior High Cheer Update
Parent Information Night will be held this spring. Information regarding tryouts will be communicated through Parent Square after Spring Break.
Staff and Student Shoutouts
Have a Graham ISD student or staff member that deserves a shoutout in an upcoming newsletter or social media post? Take a few moments to share information about the achievement or contribution the staff or student made and share photos if you have them using the form provided below.
Submit a Shoutout!
Construction Update
Junior High Band Hall Nearing Completion
The new band hall at Graham Junior High School is scheduled to be substantially completed the week of spring break. The remaining work includes the vestibule finish out, installing wood trim, installing the acoustical sound panels, installing visual display boards, and various touch-up paint. In the past week, we have installed the remainder of the flooring, stained the cabinets, and finished the ceiling tile in the office area. 
Front door of the building under construction
Construction: New cubbies and wood planks on the floor
Safety Corner - Spring Storm Procedures
Graphic with the text "Graham Safe Shelter"
As we enter the spring season, we want to remind staff and parents of our procedures regarding severe weather, especially when our standard safety protocols call for students and staff to Shelter.

GISD considers the safety of our students and staff a top priority and will always respond first to the immediate emergency. After ensuring the safety of our students and staff, our next priority will be communication with parents. Parents may not receive an immediate storm communication while the district manages the actual emergency.
School officials regularly monitor the National Weather Service and local television and radio stations for any potential storm alerts or risks. Communication to staff is done well in advance of approaching storms and conditions are monitored regularly for potential threats to students on field trips and out of the GISD area. 

Shelter Protocols: In the event of severe weather during school hours, we will follow established safety protocols which may include:
  • Moving students to designated safe areas within the school building.
  • Keeping students indoors until it is safe to dismiss them.
  • Canceling after-school or outdoor activities/competitions if necessary.

School officials have open lines of communication with city emergency responders, and follow fire and police recommendations for sheltering during stormy weather, including the traditional duck-and-cover procedures in interior locations within the school building, away from windows or glass doors. A shelter protocol could be ordered for a number of reasons, but is most likely to occur in the event of high winds or tornado warnings.

Parents are asked not to come to school buildings in the middle of a severe storm to pick up their children. Please let school officials effectively respond during a weather emergency and follow Graham ISD’s communication channels for updates and important announcements. In the event severe weather is approaching, GISD will account for students and staff in a secure location and then communicate updates to parents.

Stay Informed: Monitor local weather reports and GISD alerts. We will communicate through our ParentSquare system, our website and on our social media accounts. Remember, the difference between the following:

  • Tornado Watch: conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and around the watch area. It indicates that severe thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes may occur. Stay alert and be prepared. Monitor weather updates and announcements during the watch period and be prepared to shelter if the watch turns into a warning.
  • Tornado Warning: a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. This is a more serious and imminent alert indicating that a tornado is either occurring or imminent in the warned area. Seek shelter immediately. Go to a safe location such as an interior room or bathroom on the lowest floor. Stay away from windows and cover yourself to protect against flying debris.

Update Emergency Contacts: Ensure that your child’s emergency contact information is up-to-date in our system. This will ensure that we can reach you in the event of an emergency.
Important Dates
Graphic of flowers and sky with the text "Happy Spring Break March 17-21"
Mark Your Calendar
  • March 17-21 - Spring Break/GISD Closed
  • March 24 - School Resumes
  • March 24 - Final Bella Blues Tryout Prep Clinic - 4 p.m. in GHS gym
  • March 25-27 - Bella Blues Tryouts
  • March 26 - Community Resources Transition Expo
  • March 28 - No School/GISD Closed
  • April 4 - No School/GISD Closed
  • April 9 - School Board Meeting

Check out the Online GISD Calendar for a more comprehensive list of upcoming academic, athletic, fine arts and extracurricular activities.
Community News
Community Resources Transition Expo flyer with basic information about the event on March 26.
Community Resources Transition Expo
Wednesday, March 26
Graham High School Gym
  • Students 9:30-noon
  • Community members and parents are welcome from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
GYC Cheer logo
Graham Youth Cheer Registration
Registration is OPEN until March 20
  • Incoming 1st-6th grade
  • New uniforms this year
  • Uniform fittings March 23 at Krazy Kow Boutique
  • Cheer Camp is Mandatory July 14-17
Colorful heart with text: "Heart of the Book A caldecott Award Exhibit"
Heart of the Book Exhibit!
Now – March 29, 2025
Three weeks remaining for the Heart of the Book Exhibit! Now is the perfect time to schedule a field trip!

Thursday, March 27
  • Pioneer kindergarten field trip to Heart of the Book at The Old Post Office Museum and Art Center
  • Woodland 4th & 5th grade student assembly with author-illustrator, Brian Floca

Friday, March 28, Downtown Graham
Get On Board The Locomotive at the Gold Medallion Event!
Schedule of Events
  • 2 p.m., Heart of the Book Interactive Exhibit*, The Old Post
  • 3 p.m., Faith Community Health System Train Rides For The Family*
  • 6 p.m., An Evening with Brian Floca**, National Theatre
  • 7 p.m., Book Signing*, Pratt’s Books
* free events | ** tickets required
Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m.:
Heart of the Book, Picture Books & Character Traits Read Aloud
May I Bring A Friend by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Read by Dr. Mary Johnston, GISD Superintendent
Run for the Children graphic with a pinwheel
Run for the Children
The 20th Annual Run for the Children is Saturday, April 26. Register for a 1K, 5K or 10K online today. The deadline for a guaranteed t-shirt is Monday, March 31.

graham isd logo
Graham Independent School District
400 Third Street | Graham, TX 76450